Notebook Entries


  • Calligraphy Element
    Gain a deeper understanding of the Bible.
  • Calligraphy Element
    Develop studying the Bible and journaling.
  • Calligraphy Element
    Enjoy reading the Bible and finding it fulfilling and fun.

Judi wanted to enjoy the process of Bible reading. The day came when everything clicked. A quick snippet of time became an hour of fun engagement with the Bible. How did it happen?

It is my ministry to teach the principles I have learned and help develop love for God’s Word.

Studying the Bible on their own is a goal women yearn for. Judi wrote "Examining God's Word Series" to meet that goal. Using the inductive journal learning system Judi devised, the participant learns how to study the Bible. It is Judi’s joy to pass these skills on to you!

Judith Galloway
What’s it all about?

Well, hello! My ministry is focused on getting people to actively engage in scripture. I personally realized what happened when I started journaling noteworthy observations: I slowed down my reading and began noticing details and verses that I could research and learn more. The Holy Spirit was revealing truths that I missed when I read…

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Resurrection of Lazarus - small
The death of Lazarus

Prior to this passage, Jesus is preparing his followers by explaining that he is the good Shepherd and his sheep follow his voice. His Jewish opponents pick up stones to stone him for blasphemy, but he escaped. Then he went back across the Jordan river and chapter 10 concludes with the verse 42, “And in that place many believed in Jesus.” At this time the miracles he is performing is gaining attention and believers are growing and opposition is growing. Then chapter eleven begins about the account of the miracle Jesus performed by raising his friend Lazarus from the dead.
What you do to journal as you read the Bible:

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer as a bullet point in your notebook.
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Mary Magdalene Washing Jesus' Feet
Mary anoints Jesus with perfume and hair

Up until this point, Jesus has travelled performing miracles. By now, he has become known and drawing crowds. We are picking up the account after Lazarus has died and Jesus arrived at his gravesite and commanded he come out alive, which he did. On account of Lazarus coming back to life, many believed in Jesus. After this, the Pharisees called a meeting with the Sanhedrin and made a plan to take his life. Knowing that he was being sought after, Jesus retreated to Ephraim with his disciples. Go ahead and get out your journal and begin.
What you do to journal as you read the Bible:

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer as a bullet point in your notebook.
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Gentiles Ask to See Jesus
Jesus dying on the cross

In this passage, Jesus is explaining that he is going to die. He is explaining what the events are in the days ahead. But people aren’t understanding the message. People say to him in verse 34 “The Son of man must be lifted up? who is this Son of man?”. They have followed Jesus for a time, but many still don’t understand his divine identity and true purpose for coming to earth. He explains that these events are fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah, He is stating that he is the Messiah but in veiled words. People did not understand. But in retrospect, the meaning is there.
What you do to journal as you read the Bible:

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer as a bullet point in your notebook.
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Beach Devotional
Death of Jesus on the Cross

The Betrayal of Judas. I started this days’ journal entry with Psalm 119:9-16. It reminds me why I bother reading the Bible every day. Why I bother journaling, and why I bother to implement these principles in my life. I especially like verse 16: “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.” Then to continue today’s journal entry, I journaled John 13:1-30, that picks up in the room the disciples secured to observe their Jewish feast called Passover. We call this event The Last Supper. It is the final supper the twelve experienced together before Jesus died on the cross. Today’s reading focuses on the account of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.
What you do to journal as you read the Bible:

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer as a bullet point in your notebook.
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Jesus at The Last Supper
Discussion at the last supper

Discussion at the Last Supper. This passage takes place before the Jewish Passover Festival. The twelve disciples were gathered together and they ate their meal which is commonly called “The Last Supper.” Jesus knew he was going to die and go to God the Father. Before this passage, Jesus just set an example to his disciples by washing their feet. He was troubled in his spirit and knew Judas was leaving the group to betray him. Verse 31 starts out saying “when he was gone out”, “he” meaning Judas.
What you do to journal as you read the Bible:

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer as a bullet point in your notebook.
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