What’s it all about?

Judith Galloway

Well, hello!

My ministry is focused on getting people to actively engage in scripture. I personally realized what happened when I started journaling noteworthy observations: I slowed down my reading and began noticing details and verses that I could research and learn more. The Holy Spirit was revealing truths that I missed when I read the Bible with glazed-over eyelids. This has been an exciting journey of seeing my relationship with the Lord grow as I journal while I read.

I shared my excitement with my friend. She tried journaling and came back to me saying she didn’t know what to write. That led me to write a Bible Study teaching how to make noteworthy entries in the journal. I devised a learning system that leads the reader to open their eyes and mine treasure from the Bible. The Bible Study is called Examining God’s Word, How to Study the Bible, Faith. It is currently in the publishing stage. To submit a pre-order copy, go here.

The format of this website page, is to read a passage (I typically do a chapter or around 20 verses,) and then stop and point out some noteworthy entry. This requires you to read the passage with a notebook/journal at hand.

All printed scripture is from the public domain translation World English Bible (WEB), or King James Version (KJV) but you may follow along with your translation of choice.

I will end the day’s entry showing you what would be in my handwritten journal.


You will be jotting down observations and insights as you read the Bible.

What you will need:

  • A notebook, (paper or electronic). A notebook may be as simple as a spiral bound notebook or a bound hardcover book like a journal. Some people like using their word processor and type instead of writing by hand. Do what is more comfortable for you.
  • A Bible (paper or electronic) is optional since I provide scripture for you.

What do you do?

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer(s) as a bullet point in your notebook/journal.

Anything else?

  • Observations are noted with a bullet point which separates ideas in categories.
  • You are to enjoy growing a personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Enjoyment is key.
  • Don’t worry about getting the “right answer.”
    • Howard Hendricks and William Hendricks share in Living By the Book:
      “There’s no limit to Observation. Now look at all that we’ve observed in this exercise. Count them, and you’ll find that I’ve come up with at least thirty observations from Acts 1:8 (And this is only one verse. I haven’t studied a paragraph, or a chapter, or even the book of Acts – just one verse.) Yet each time I come back to it. I’ll see more..”
  • The end goal is that you will be asking yourself prompt questions and going to resources on your own as you read the Bible. A successful Bible reader!
  • I want to encourage those who have never taken notes before that any thoughts you have are good. Just go ahead and write them down. You can do this!

Romans 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” Faith is not for a by-gone era just for people 2,000 to 6,000 years ago. God is relevant and working TODAY!

Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (NKJV).  Your faith will grow as you hear the word of God through your journaling experience.

Write at the top of your page, DATE, PASSAGE, TITLE. End the entry with a PRAYER

What do you do?

  • Read the Bible text provided.
  • Read the prompt question.
  • Write the answer(s) as a bullet point in your notebook/journal.

Join me in the adventure of mining treasure from God’s Word! Watch your engagement with the Bible grow to fruition.

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